#donotkillyourdarlings | OPEN CALL with MACARONIBOOK & SPECTRUM
by Maya Hristova
While under the lockdown, we noticed the great amount of hidden treasures you have been sharing from your archives.
Did you just discover a gorgeous image hiding in your archive? Or a darling that you’ve killed and still love? Share it with us by tagging your work with
Add a caption letting us know when and where the image was taken or which project it was part of. While interested in the photograph as an object, we are also passionate about its story and your process.
One of our favorite submissions so far is by Greek photographer Yorgos Kapsalakis who shared the following about his image:
'This picture is an analog print that I made some time ago. After printing it I set some parts on fire. The main idea is inspired by the poetic films of Andrei Tarkovsky who often uses two elements in his movies - fire and water. In his 'Sculpting in Time' he writes: "I see it as my duty to stimulate reflection on what is essentially human and eternal in each individual soul, and which all too often a person will pass by, even though his fate lies in his hands. He is too busy chasing after phantoms and bowing down to idols. In the end, everything can be reduced to the one simple element which is all a person can count upon in his existence: the capacity to love. That element can grow within the soul to become the supreme factor which determines the meaning of a person's life. My function is to make whoever sees my films aware of his need to love and to give his love, and aware that beauty is summoning him."'

Yorgos Kapsalakis | Greece
“Kill your darlings” is an advice often given by experienced writers. You kill your darlings when you decide to drop an element of your narrative that you love and worked hard to create, but needs to be removed in order to make the overall story stronger.
Publishing House | MACARONIBOOK
We are honored to be working together with visual artist and publisher Camille Carbonaro on the concept and design of a zine featuring the very best of your submissions.






All selected images will become part of a limited edition print collection produced by Spectrum Photographic which will be exhibited in Berlin at the end of the year. Artists have been hit especially hard by the current crisis with jobs and shows being canceled. We have worked hard to optimize our processes, so 60% of each sold print can go to the artist, while 40% cover our production costs and shipping.
Founded in 1993, Spectrum is one of UK’s leading photographic printing and finishing centers specializing in high-quality fine art and photographic printing, as well as archival mounting.